4/10/2021 SCJFL Middle School 4th quarter Speech tournament

4/10/2021 Our students from Walnut, Temple City and Irvine campus competed in the 4th quarter online Middle School Speech tournament, we had total 40 students and for the majority this was their first tournament.

Each student from Middle School level 2 class were prepped heavily in class by their coach respectively, Alen Zhang from the Middle School Speech team won 4th place in Extemp while Madeline Wong from Temple City got 3rd place. In Novice SPAR, Apollo Lee from Walnut took 6th place, Garfield Qiu from Irvine took 2nd place. Both were first time competitors, so it was outstanding result for them. In the mean time, Claire Nakamura from Temple City Middle School Level 2 class took 15 in Novice Spar.

It was a super long day but we believe students learnt a ton by doing this and it was coaches’ training that got students through this long tournament, take good rest and until next time ~

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Posted by: kudos on Apr.18.2021 @ 9:46 am
Filed under: Tournament Archive