Tabitha Chen

Tabitha Chen
Tabitha Chen Bio- English (1)
While at Vanguard University of Southern California, Tabitha was awarded the Lambda Pi Eta Outstanding Communication Major Award. She graduated Summa Cum Laude earning a B.A. in Communication.

Debate (辯論比賽經歷)
Lincoln-Douglas Value Debate (林肯道格拉斯價值觀辯論)
*2 years of competition experience
*Earned one checkmark in each competition season
Parliamentary Debate (英式國會辯論)
*1 year of competition experience

Speech (演講比賽經歷)
Original Oratory (說服力演講)
*2 years of competition experience (high school)
*Qualified for nationals both years
Demonstration Speech (簡報式演講)
*1 year of competition experience
*Qualified for national, became a national quarter-finalist
Impromptu (即席演講)
*1 year of competition experience
*Earned a checkmark (top 40%) at 1st tournament competing in Impromptu

Coaching Experience (教練經歷)
Elementary Speech and Debate Comprehensive (3rd-5th grades)
Elementary/Middle School Nationals Team (4th-6th grades)
Interpretive/Impromptu speech (4th-6th grades)

Tabitha Chen Bio- English (1)