3 professionals in law field sitting in the jury stand, evaluating the two opponents, a judge was hosting the whole hearing process. Kudos student Caty Szeto was questioning by opponent lawyer in the witness stand
Kudos won the 3rd place in the 35th Los Angeles Mock Trial Tournament
Front roll starting left: Julie Wang、Caty Szeto、Jonathan Liu、Benjamin Yeh。
Back roll starting left: Lawyer Joanne Nielsen、Jacqueline Shang、Jerry Wang、coach Scott Wheeler、judge、Kirk Wu。
Coach was giving key instruction at the critical moment
Kudos 專校爾灣校區的「模擬法庭暑期班」學生雖是首度進行練習賽,表現卻不亞於天普校區學生。圖為 Sally Kang 進行案情說明,Albert Wen (右) 準備質詢,雙方家長都仔細觀戰。
Kudos專校「模擬法庭暑期班」天普市校區的學生於2012 年八月初南下爾灣校區,和爾灣學生進行練習賽。圖為 天普市 Stanley Yu 質詢證人 Bridget Yu。