April 23rd, 2015. Elementary Tournament at La Salle High School in Pasadena. »

Kudos Great Showing in both Speech and Debate

La Salle High School tournament was highly anticipated by all Kudos elementary tournament candidates. A beautiful campus, food and drink for all students, parents, and coaches! Each contestant also got a beautiful T-shirt. But most of all, the organization was impeccable! All parents and students were delighted!

Konnie Duan and Henry Xu Impromptu First place
Evan Zhang Impromptu 5th place
Selina Ho Poetry 3rd place
Jaden Zhang Spar 4th place
Oscar Wang Spar 5th place
Natalie and Colin Ng Public Forum 2nd place
Ethan Chang and Aileen Wang Public Forum 3rd place
Joie Zhang and Rachel Wang Public Forum 4th place
Audwin Chang and Jaden Ip Public Forum 6th place







4 boys

Posted by: kudos on Jul.14.2015 @ 8:23 am
Filed under: Courses,Other,Tournament Archive

Glendale Community College State Debate Tournament: »

Glendale Community College State Debate Tournament:

Kudos debated extraordinarily at the GCC debate tournament.  Out of 59 teams in the Public Forum division, the teams of Michael/Emma and Ian/Vincent were Co-Champions, closing out the tournament from their respective sides of the bracket.  Out of 7 rounds and 9 different judges, Ian and Vincent did not drop a single ballot.  Eric and Merry respectfully allowed Ian and Vincent to walk over in Quarters by recognizing that the other team was a higher seed.  Moreover, William Zhang and Thomas Chon reached the Octofinals despite having the highest opponent wins in the entire tournament (the teams that they debated had an opponent win total of 18, meaning that five teams they debated averaged 3.6 wins each).  Most importantly, Mei, Aaron, Eric, and Merry stayed throughout elimination rounds to assist their teammates before their rounds.  They were all essential to their teammates successful performances.

Out of 39 debaters in LD debate, Shriya, Kelly, and Justin all reached elimination rounds.  Shriya lost in a close decision in Ocotofinals, whereas Justin and Kelly both lost in the Quarterfinal round.  Additionally, Kelly received the 1st place speaker award and her teammates Shriya, Justin, and Kevin won 4th, 8th, and 9th place speaker respectfully.

In Policy, Eric Gao and Matthew Zhang lost in a close final round on a 2-1 decision.  They were awarded 2nd place among 8 strong teams.  Lucia Cheng deserves applause, as she was a third partner on the Eric/Matthew team.  Lucia won all 3 of her rounds with Eric on the first day of the tournament.

Eric Gao Policy w/ Matthew 2nd Place
Matthew Zhang Policy w/ Eric Gao 2nd Place
Justin Jiang LD Quarters – Top 8 [8th Speaker]
Kelly Wong LD Quarters – Top 8 [1st Speaker]
Shriya Padigepati LD Octas – Top 16 [4th Speaker]
Kevin Arifin LD 9th Speaker
Michael Huang PF w/ Emma Co-Champions
Emma Chen PF w/ Michael Co-Champions
Ian Chen PF w/ Vincent Co-Champions
Vincent Liu PF w/ Ian Co-Champions [7th Speaker]
Eric Lu PF w/ Merry Quarters – Top 8 (walked over)

[2nd Speaker]

Merry Jiao PF w/ Eric Lu Quarters – Top 8 (walked over)
William Zhu PF w/ Thomas Octas – Top 16
Thomas Chon PF w/ William Octas – Top 16







Posted by: kudos on Jun.02.2015 @ 5:23 pm
Filed under: Other,Tournament Archive

2014 – 2015 Tournament Overview »

2014 November 8th

Principios Invitationals Tournament 


(3rd-12th grades)

1st: Joie Zhang

2nd : Selina Ho

6th : Katharine Lam


2nd : Konnie Duan

3rd : Joie Zhang

4th : Brian Feng

5th : Oscar Wang

6th : Mingyu Liu

Impromptu (6th-8th grade category)

2nd  Place Shriya Padegepati

 Congress (6th-8th grade category)

2nd  Place Shriya Padegepati

2014 December 4th

Roosevelt Elementary School  Tournament.

Public Forum

1st place  Natalie Wang and Colin Ng

3rd  place  Joie Zhang  and Katharine Lam

4th  place  Audwin Chang and Jaden Ip

5th  place  Konnie Duan and Rachel Wang

6th  place  Ethan Chang and Aileen Wan

 Public Forum TC team

(The Girls from Temple City Campus : Katharine Lam, Joie Zhang, Konnie Duan and Rachel Wang)

Public Forum on Stage

(Our Public Forum Warriors  : Natalie Wang and Colin Ng on stage)

Storytelling :

10th  Moses Lee

Poetry :

5th  Charleen Chen

Spar :

1st  place Aaron Zhang

2nd  place Jaden Zhang

3rd  place Mingyu Liu

4th  place Henry Xu

7th  place Oscar Wang

Kudos Group_1 (Walnut Campus Family)

2014, December 6th

La Reina SCJFL Holiday Debate


3rd     Kelly Wong

4th    Shriya Padigepati

5th    Justin Jiang

10th   Courtney Chan

photo 4

(The Fearless team with Glorious trophies)

Public Forum :

2nd Michael Huang and Mei Johnson

3rd Christian Yang and Ryan Lee

5th Nanette Zhang and Emma Chen

8th Vincent Liu and Ian Chen

9th Merry Jiao and Aaron Fong

10th Thomas Chon and Sophie Lin

Speaker points (Among 64 competitive contestants)

3rd Speaker  Mei Johnson

9th Speaker   Eric Lu

10th Speaker Michael Huang

Posted by: kudos on Feb.23.2015 @ 5:05 pm
Filed under: Courses,Other,Tournament Archive

“Triple-Crown” in Debate at SCJFL »

Kudos College of Youth Leadership Obtained Record-Breaking “Triple-Crown” in Debate at SCJFL

On October 25th, 2014, Kudos won a ground-breaking achievement at the Southern California Junior Forensics League debate for Middle School students.  It made the “Triple-Crown” sweepstake in all three debate categories: Public Forum, Lincoln-Douglas, and Policy debates.

In Kudos’ history of participating in the League’s debate tournament during the past five years, although garnering significant awards many times, it has never won Championships in all three debate categories.  Nor has the League seen this extent of achievement in its records.

Not only Kudos won the Championships in all three types of debate, but also had a long list of Speaker Awards, details of which are listed in the release that follows below.

Posted by: kudos on Nov.30.2014 @ 10:21 am
Filed under: Other,Tournament Archive

Fall 2014 Tournaments – Through November 1st.秋季賽事, 精采萬分 »

This fall has thus far featured three high school invitational tournaments:  Jack Howe, Oxford, and Fullerton.

Also, we have just completed our first MS league speech and debate tournaments of the year.

6th graders with very bright futures.

6th graders with very bright futures.


But let’s backtrack.  It’s a new season.  Let’s set the table.

So Kudos comes out of a strong nats, and into this season basically a two-tiered team.  We’ve got a smallish number of returning kids with good experience.  These kids are achieving right away, as we’ll see as we go through the results.

Also, however, we’ve got a large chunk of new folks, are still have before them some getting beaten up before they settle into themselves as debaters.


Thus, we’ve talked a lot this beginning of the year about the warrior spirit,

and about Ganbaru – the spirit of perseverance to see a job through to it’s successful completion.

And a successful 2014-15 means achieving some pretty lofty goals.  So I want to begin by giving credit to some of these new folks who’ve gone out of their ways to get in early competition rounds when possible.

Connie and Nanette battled it out at Oxford, before pairing again at the league tournament.  They soldiered through some bumps and bruises, and are ready for winning more rounds going forward.

Eric and Anthony – strong debaters already, though they do not yet believe it.  Fear not a few early losses, young warriors.  The future is bright.

Brandon – he’s thrown himself into the novice LD mix at two of our invitationals getting invaluable round experience.

Others may not be above mentioned, but all are appreciated.  Keep your spirits strong, young warriors.  You too shall achieve as have those that have come before you, if you have sufficient strength of spirit.


Jack Howe:

Kelly broke to octafinals in Varsity.  Quite an achievement in and of itself for an eighth grader.

Victor got 6th place in Dramatic Interp in Open.  Great job!


Justin Jiang – Quarterfinalist – Varsity LD

Kelly Wong – Champion – Varsity LD

Vincent Liu and Ian Chen – Quarterfinalists – Varsity PF

kelly justin and brandon at oxford

Hanging out after speaker awards.


Mei Johnson and Michael Huang – 1st Place – Champion – MS PF

fullerton champs - m and m

Shriya Padigepati – 1st Place – Champion – MS Congressional Debate

shriya congress fullerton winna winna

Sylvester Yue – 9th Speaker – MS LD

SCJFL Fall Speech 2014:

Shriya Padigepati – 1st Place – Champion – Expository Speaking

SCJFL Fall Debate 2014:

Vincent Liu and Ian Chen – 1st Place – Champions – Public Forum

Mei Johnson and Michael Huang – 2nd Place – Public Forum

Anjee Feng and Thomas Chon – 6th Place – Public Forum

Kelly Wong – 1st Place – Champion – LD

Shriya Padigepati – 2nd Place – LD

PF Top Speakers:

2nd Place: Mei Johnson — 87.5
3rd Place: Ian Chen — 86.87
5th Place: Michael Huang — 86.1
7th Place: Vincent Liu — 85.69
8th Place: Emma Chen — 84.5

LD Top Speakers:

2nd Place: Kelly Wong — 85
5th Place: Courtney Chan — 83.5
7th Place: Justin Jiang — 82
8th Place: Shriya Padigerati

Here are some pictures:

victor smiling about postings at oxford

Justin 4th speaker in Open LD - Oxford

kelly wins at cal lutheran scjfl fall debate

Fall debate LD champ. Great accomplishment. So proud of you.

But big goal this year.
No pressure.
But you know what I mean, right?
Big goal.
Singular goal.


Posted by: kudos on Oct.28.2014 @ 5:27 pm
Filed under: Tournament Archive

NJFL Nationals 2014 in Kansas »

The Kudos Speech and Debate team achieved fantastic success at National Junior Forensic League Nationals in Birmingham, Alabama, last year.  Many of those students moved on to continue their success in High School. This year Mr. Strauss, head coach, and Mr. Freeman, assistant coach, brought a smaller and younger group to the newly renamed National Speech and Debate Association Middle School Nationals, to Kansas.   The small size of the entries did not hinder the team from achieving a School of Excellence in Debate.  Out of 101 Middle School Teams, Kudos was one of only five to earn this distinction and this marks the third consecutive School of Excellence in Debate.

The competitors arrived in Overland Park, Kansas, a day early so they could work on updating their arguments because of changes in recent current events regarding the topic on Russia and Ukraine.  Kudos also brought in Mr. Christopher Loghry, who coached Emporia State University to the first and only dual national championship (CEDA and NDT) in the history of collegiate policy debate, so all the competitors could receive an equal amount of attention during the preparation.  They then had a hearty team dinner at Fiorella Jack’s Steak BBQ hosted by Kudos. The hard work and dedication paid off. In speech events, Catherine Szeto made it to Semifinals in Impromptu.  Kelly Wong and Jonathan Liu both advanced to Semifinals in Congressional Debate. 
Isaac Martinez, who was coached by Kudos Speech Coach Ralph Seymour at St. Rita School, finished in Sixth Place in Storytelling.

DSC00747       Caty Szeto with brother Brandon

???????????????????????????????      Isaac Martinez

In Public Forum Debate, under the guidance of Mr. Strauss, Kudos team continued their sustained success from previous years.  The competition was fierce, with 99 teams in total (198 contestants) from best schools in the country. Mei Johnson and Michael Huang finished preliminary rounds as the 5-0 undefeated 4th seed.  Kelly Wong and Cicily Deng were the 20th seed.  Both teams advanced to doubles and Kelly Wong was honored as the 8th overall speaker for individual performance in preliminary rounds, and Mei Johnson the 16th.  Although the Ian Chen – Vincent Liu team participated in the Nationals for the first time, they ended with a shining 3-2 overall record.

Mei and Michael

Mei Johnson and Michael Huang

Kelly Wong   Kelly Wong


Cicily Deng


Ian Chen


Vincent Liu

Kudos may have only sent 12 competitors to nationals, but 9 brought home trophies when they returned to Los Angeles on Saturday, June 21st. Every single debate entry had a winning record, and they made it deep into elimination rounds.  Because of that, it is no surprise that they won School of Excellence in Debate for the third year in a row.  Out of that 12, only Cicily Deng, Catherine Szeto, and Jonathan Liu will be graduating, so the group will be even bigger next year when Kudos shoots for a fourth school of excellence award in 2015.While Kudos has achieved National Championships in both Public Forum and Policy Debate in past years, they never had a Lincoln-Douglas team advance to elimination rounds.  This year, Kudos brought two entries in Lincoln-Douglas and they both wound up making it far into elimination rounds.  Jonathan Liu led the way with a Quarterfinalist finish.  Justin Jiang made it to Octafinals and finished as the 8th overall speaker in preliminary rounds, while Jonathan Liu garnered the 14th speaker award.


Jonathan Liu

Justin with award-c

Justin Jiang

Posted by: kudos on Jul.08.2014 @ 9:56 am
Filed under: Other,Tournament Archive

Kudos News for November/December 2013 »

The leaves turn brown, the air turns chill, and pilgrims throw maize at people.  Yes, it’s the holiday season.  And November/December means the speech and debate season is in full swing.  On the 9th of November, the league held it’s first debate tournament of the year at La Reina school in Thousand Oaks.

SCJFL Fall Debate at La Reina:

Most of the squad had seen some action in one or more of the early season warmups, but for many others, this would be their first taste of live fire.  Unfortunately, as both Freeman and I were occupied running tab at this tournament, neither of us got a lot of pictures.  Fortunately, some parents filled in a few gaps for us.  Well, two and 2/3 gaps let’s say:  Vincent, Mei and Vincent, and that’s about two third’s of me in the background of the second picture.

Here Vincent sits, proudly displaying a well earned trophy.

Here Vincent sits, proudly displaying a well earned trophy.

Of course Vincent didn’t win that trophy all by himself; his partner Mei and he both played key roles in this impressive success.  Despite going up against older students with more competition round experience, Vincent and Mei were able to go undefeated and claim the 4th place hardware on speaker points.   This is a great result for a couple of 7th graders in arguably the toughest middle school league in the country.

Mei and Vincent win every round at La Reina.

Mei and Vincent win every round at La Reina.

However, while the photo documentation at La Reina may have been severely subpar, the results were not, as Kudos walked away with the top two spots in policy and had three trophy winning PF teams against a large, difficult field.

1 11/09/13 La Reina Kelly Wong  (TC) Policy 1st Trophy
2 11/09/13 La Reina Lauren Song (Irvine) Policy 1st Trophy
3 11/09/13 La Reina Michael Wu (Irvine) Policy 2nd Trophy
4 11/09/13 La Reina Jonathan Ge (Irvine) Policy 2nd Trophy
5 11/09/13 La Reina Mei Johnson  (TC) Public Forum 4th Trophy
6 11/09/13 La Reina Vincent Liu  (TC) Public Forum 4th Trophy
7 11/09/13 La Reina Michelle Xu (Irvine) Public Forum 8th Trophy
 8 11/09/13 La Reina Cicily Deng  (TC) Public Forum 8th Trophy
 9 11/09/13 La Reina Michael Huang  (TC) Public Forum 10th Trophy
 10 11/09/13 La Reina Catherine Lee  (TC) Public Forum 10th Trophy
11 11/09/13 La Reina Brian Chang  (Walnut) LD 7th Trophy


Alhambra HS Invitational:

On November 23rd, many of our high school students competed in the Alhambra HS invitational for their home schools.  Lucky for those home schools, all that Kudos training really paid off.  Our LD’ers, in particular, are accomplishing remarkable things as freshman:

11/23/13 Alhambra HS Invitational Stanley Yu (TC) Novice LD 1st Trophy
11/23/13 Alhambra HS Invitational Stanley Yu (TC) Varsity LD 5th Trophy
11/23/13 Alhambra HS Invitational Kirk Wu (TC) Varsity LD 3rd Trophy
11/23/13 Alhambra HS Invitational Nora Sharp (TC) Novice PF 1st Trophy


St. Rita’s Elementary Invitational at La Salle:

The beginning of December brought our first Elementary Tournament, held this time at La Salle High School, with St. Rita’s and Kudos providing tab and background organization.

This tournament afforded our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders an opportunity to compete in one of 2 debate events, or 1 of 5 speech events, each modified to shorter time limits for the elementary level, but representing the same basic format as the events at the middle and high school level.  Events included: public forum debate, SPAR debate, Duo Interp, Storytelling, Poetry, Expository Speaking, and Impromptu Speaking.  This was our largest elementary tournament yet, drawing around 100 entries in all.

“Small child verbal ninja battle commence!”

Our littlest warriors proved quite might indeed, as Kudos brought home a lot of hardware.

In Public Forum debate, Kudos claimed the 4th, 2nd, and top spots:

Eric Gao and Aileen Wan

Eric and Aileen hoist their first place trophies!

Aileen, Emma, Eric, Ryan, Blank, Kyle, and William are all pictured here, representing most of Kudos' PF squad.  Christian and Audwin - 4th place winners - missed the group shot.

Left to Right:  Aileen, Emma, Eric, http://theessaymag.com/canada/ Ryan, Art (Poetry), Kyle, and William are all pictured here, representing most of Kudos’ PF squad. Christian and Audwin – 4th in PF – missed the group shot.

Our kids did a great job in speech events as well, winning several awards in Storytelling – including first place – and taking home awards in Poetry, Expository.

O'Hara with group

Connie, Annie, Stephanie, and Mandy pose with a proud Ms. O’Hara (she’s the second one from the left – the one who’s not an elementary school student).

And here are a couple of other nice group shots to make up for the lack of pictures from La Reina.

Los estudiantes de Irvine con su maestra.

Los estudiantes de Irvine con su maestra.

TC and Walnut students are here too!

TC and Walnut students are here too!

But SPAR was probably our best event, as Kudos students claimed all five trophies and the top 8 places overall:

Left to Right:

Left to Right: Brandon, Justin, Aaron, AJ, and Mandy sweep SPAR!

And while we’re dishing out the pictures willy-nilly, here’s a nice solo picture of Mandy, standing triumphantly with her undefeated record in SPAR and her trophy to prove it.


I’m Mandy and I’m awesome!

Winners List for the St. Rita’s/La Salle Elementary Invitational:

1 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Eric Gao (Walnut) Public Forum Top Speaker Certificate
2 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Brandon Szeto (TC) SPAR 1st Place Trophy
3 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Mandy Yang (Irvine) SPAR 2nd Place Trophy
4 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary AJ Wong (TC) SPAR 3rd Place Trophy
5 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Aaron Zhang (Irvine) SPAR 4th Place Trophy
6 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Justin LI (TC) SPAR 5th Place Trophy
7 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Jynel Zeitz (Irvine) SPAR 6th Place Trophy
8 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Eric Gao (w/ Aileen) (Walnut) Public Forum 1st Place Trophy
9 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Aileen Wan (w/ Eric) (Walnut) Public Forum 1st Place Trophy
10 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Ryan Lee (w/ Emma) (TC) Public Forum 2nd place Trophy
11 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Emma Chen (w/ Ryan) (TC) Public Forum 2nd place Trophy
12 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Christian Yang (w/ Audwin) (Walnut) Public Forum 4th Place Trophy
13 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Audwin Chang (w/ Christian) (Walnut) Public Forum 4th Place Trophy
14 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Elaine Hong (TC) Poetry 4th Place Trophy
 15 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Maggie Hu  (Walnut) Expository 4th Place Trophy
16 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary William Chang  (Walnut) Expository 5th place Trophy
17 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Connie Cheng (Irvine) Storytelling 1st place Trophy
18 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Stephanie Cao (Irvine) Storytelling 5th place Trophy
19 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Konnie Duan  (TC) Storytelling 7th place Trophy
20 12/5/13 St Rita’s Elementary Annie Li (Irvine) Storytelling 10th place Trophy


The Harker School Middle School Invitational in San Jose:

The next day, I boarded a plane with a smallish group of our middle schoolers to go compete at the Harker Middle School Invitational in San Jose.  It was freezing cold, btw.  Absolutely bone-chillingly cold the whole time we were there.  Seriously, like half of the stories on the local news were about how cold it was.  But I digress.

We arrived to nice accommodations at the Moorpark Hotel, just a couple of blocks from Harker, and settled in for a good night’s sleep in our respective rooms.

Morning brought battle for the kids, and after a hearty breakfast, they made their way to rounds.

Michelle, Mei, Cecil, Michael, and Caty are all pictured here.  Note the warm jackets.

Michelle, Mei, Cecil, Michael, and Caty are all pictured here. Note the warm jackets.

We brought two policy teams, three PF teams, plus Caty and Barbie doing IE’s, and we were going up some very large Northern California squads, so we knew going in that we were at a numerical disadvantage.   Additionally, Mei and Michael were victims of a tab mistake, in which a win was accidentally entered as a loss, and this mistake prevented them from advancing as they deserved.  Nevertheless, we still managed to come home with a good amount of awards.  And thanks to Caty’s mom, we even have pictures of a couple of them.

Caty celebrates with here family after breaking in all three speech events!

Caty celebrates with here family after breaking in all three speech events!

1 12/7/2013 Harker Invitational Kelly Wong (TC) Policy Semis Trophy
2 12/7/2013 Harker Invitational Lauren Song (Irvine) Policy Semis Trophy
3 12/7/2013 Harker Invitational Jonathon Ge (Irvine) Policy Semis Trophy
4 12/7/2013 Harker Invitational Michael Wu (Irvine) Policy Semis Trophy
5 12/7/2013 Harker Invitational Michael Wu (Irvine) Policy Top Speaker Medal
6 12/07/13 Harker Invitational Michael and Mei (TC) PF Octos **Did not advance on tab error**
7 12/7/2013 Harker Invitational Caty Szeto (TC) Poetry Finalist Medal
8 12/7/2013 Harker Invitational Caty Szeto (TC) OO 2nd place Trophy
9 12/7/2013 Harker Invitational Caty Szeto (TC) Impromptu Finalist Medal


SCJFL Winter Speech and Debate at GCC:

But we had one more fight to go before getting a little break in the onslaught of tournament action: the 2nd SCJFL Speech and Debate tournament of the year, held at Glendale Community College on December 14th.  This was a rather unusual tournament for us, as it combined both speech and debate onto a single day.  It also used a different public forum topic than Harker.  So we ended up putting our more experienced debaters in extemp, and trained the debaters who did not go to Harker on the December topic, immigration.

At the moment, it appears that I have literally no pictures from this tournament.  I will continue to look for some and add them if I can find them.

In the meantime, the results are in.  Once again, Kudos does quite well, breaking a team of 6th graders in PF, getting 3 breaks in LD, and winning policy, as well as achieving several awards in the individual events.

1 12/14/13 Glendale CC Catherine Lee (TC) Poetry 4th Place Trophy
2 12/14/13 Glendale Anjee Feng (TC) PF Octos  
3 12/14/13 Glendale Joshua Zheng (TC) PF Octos  
4 12/14/13 Glendale Miranda Chang (Irvine) PF Octos  
5 12/14/13 Glendale Tony Feng (Irvine) PF Octos  
6 12/14/13 Glendale Brian Chang (Walnut) LD Octos  
7 12/14/13 Glendale Justin Jiang (Walnut) LD Octos  
8 12/14/13 Glendale Courtney Chan (Walnut) LD Octos  
9 12/14/13 Glendale Michael Huang (TC) Extemporaneous 2nd Trophy
10 12/14/13 Glendale Mei Johnson (TC) Extemporaneous 3rd Trophy
11 12/14/13 Glendale Vincent Liu (TC) Extemporaneous 4th Trophy
12 12/14/13 Glendale Kelly Wong (TC) Policy 1st Trophy
13 12/14/13 Glendale Lauren Song (Irvine) Policy 1st Trophy
14 12/14/13 Glendale Michael Wu (Irvine) Policy 2nd Trophy
15 12/14/13 Glendale Jonathan Ge (Irvine) Policy 2nd Trophy
Posted by: kudos on Dec.27.2013 @ 5:27 pm
Filed under: Other,Tournament Archive

Kudos News for September/October 2013 »

September once again brings the start of a new school year, and with it, a new debate season. The 2012-13 season was a great success, as students who began with us as 6th graders competed in their final year of middle school debate.   This year’s going to be a bit different.   With about 3 quarters of the kids in 6th or 7th grade, our squad this year is very talented, but young.  And while it’s always fun to have a squad full of heavyweights, the work that will turn the novices into those heavyweights is equally, if differently, rewarding.  So how’s the team doing so far?  Let’s take a look:


The end of September saw Kudos send a small group of competitors to Long Beach, where they participated in The Jack Howe Invitational.  We don’t have a ton of pictures, but we do have a couple.

Celena and Kaylynn broke to octafinals in varsity PF.

Celena and Kaylynn diligently prepare for battle.

Celena and Kaylynn diligently prepare for battle.

But it wasn’t just our high schoolers who did well against the tough competition.  Kelly, 7th grade, and Cecily, 8th, also broke to octafinals in public forum debate.  Here we see them getting a trophy IOU.  (The tournament had accidentally ordered the wrong trophies.  They mailed the correct ones to us a week or two later.)

Kelly and Cecil trophy at Jack Howe!

Kelly and Cecil trophy at Jack Howe!

Michelle and Amy also broke at Long Beach in their very first tournament.


Just a week later, Gabriellino High School in San Gabriel held the first middle school only invitational of the year.  It provided a great opportunity for some of our new kids to get their feet wet, while our most experienced debaters battled it out for hardware.

Bryan and Vincent compete in their first debate tournament.

Bryan and Vincent compete in their first debate tournament.

First competition rounds for Phoebe and Scarlet too!

First competition rounds for Phoebe and Scarlet too!

Catherine, an experienced debater, was partnered with 1st timer William.  The two battled it out and finished with a winning record.

catherine and william at gab

Catherine and William do some pre-round prep.

In the end, our most experienced debaters saw to it that we wouldn’t leave empty handed.  Against a large field and some very tough competition, Kelly and Cecily were again able to bring home the goods.  Fortunately, Freeman was there to document the moment with yet another fantastic photograph:

kelly and cecil at gab

Two Kudos students competed at the Oxford Debate Invitational on the weekend of October 19th.  Jon Lee, competing for Oxford, earned top speaker in novice LD.  Meanwhile, Edison, competing for Kudos, went 6-0 in prelims in varsity LD, earned the top seed, won top speaker, and finished 2nd after losing a split decision in a very close final round.

Next up was our first middle school league speech tournament, held at Jefferson on the evening of the 24th.  Strangely, the photography improved dramatically beginning at this tournament.

The Kudos family is in the house.

The Kudos family is in the house.

Courtney, Caty, Miranda, and Vicky

Courtney, Caty, Miranda, and Vicky

Ivan attends his first tournament!

Ivan attends his first tournament!

Catherine in contest

Catherine performs her storytelling speech.

Huge fields made this an extremely difficult tournament for every competitor, and lots of very strong students walked away empty handed.  Fortunately, Kudos found triumph in expository, as both Caty and Melanie brought home the hardware:

Melanie and family are happy as she trophies in her first tournament.

Melanie and family are happy as she trophies in her first tournament.

Caty's smiling, but she's actually made she didn't get first.  That's called being a beast.

Caty’s smiling, but she’s actually mad she didn’t get first. That’s called being a beast.

Finally, on the weekend of the 26th, Kudos took a small squad to The Schurr Classic, a high school invitational.  Saturday featured competition in speech events, and Caty once again brought home hardware with her expos speech:

The good news is that we hired Freeman to coach debate, not take pictures.

The good news is that we hired Freeman to coach debate, not take pictures.

On Sunday, a few of our PF teams competed in debate, while several of our PF and LD students competed for their schools.  This meant that our kids ended up debating each other several times.  Celena was paired with Kelly for this one, and they made quarterfinals.

Kelly adjusts to her role as first speaker.

Kelly adjusts to her role as first speaker.

anjee and joshua and nora and sharne

Sharne and Nora, competing for Arcadia, battle our brave 6th graders, Anjee and Joshua, at Schurr.

Audrey, meanwhile, made it to semifinals, but was walked over on coach’s decision, as her opponent in semis was one of her San Marino teammates.

Emerson, in his first LD tournament, draws Audrey as his competition in the second round.

Emerson, in his first LD tournament, draws Audrey as his competition in the second round.

Whew.  That took a while.  At any rate, it’s been a very busy first couple of months.  Our new kids are already showing so much improvement, and we’re really excited to see them continue to grow as the competition seasons continues.

Complete Winners List for September/October:

Loyola Kirk Wu* CX First Place Trophy
Loyola Kirk Wu* CX 2nd Speaker Trophy
Loyola Joey Kiang* CX 1st Speaker Trophy
Loyola Joey Kiang* CX 1st Place Trophy
Long Beach Jon Le* LD 3rd Speaker Trophy
Long Beach Nora Sharp PF 8th Speaker Trophy
Long Beach Kelly Wong PF Top 8 Trophy
Long Beach Cicily Deng PF Top 8 Trophy
Long Beach Kelly Wong PF 4th Speaker Trophy
Long Beach Michelle Xu PF Top 8 Trophy
Long Beach Amy Cho PF Top 8 Trophy
Gabrielino Kelly Wong PF Top 8 Trophy
Gabrielino Cicily Deng PF Top 8 Trophy
Oxford Edison Wong LD Top Speaker Trophy
Oxford Edison Wong LD Finalist Trophy
Fullerton Jon Lee* Novice LD Octas Trophy
Fullerton Audrey Lam Novice LD Octas Trophy
Jefferson Caty Szeto Expos 6th Trophy
Jefferson Melanie Phan Expos 5th Trophy
Schurr Celena Chen PF Quarters Trophy
Schurr Kelly Wang PF Quarters Trophy
Schurr Caty Szeto Expos 5th Trophy
Schurr Audrey Lam* LD Semis Trophy (walked over in semis)

*High school student competing under the name of his/her high school.

Posted by: kudos on Oct.29.2013 @ 4:57 pm
Filed under: Tournament Archive

News Alert – August 2013 – Star News Reports! »

All of us here at Kudos were so excited to learn recently that the Pasadena Star News reported on our Policy Debate national champions, Jerry and

Kirk.  We’re so proud to see our students and program featured in the flagship news source for the San Gabriel Valley.

Click here to read the entire http://printrestaurant.com/online/ story.

Posted by: kudos on Aug.08.2013 @ 4:11 pm
Filed under: Tournament Archive

Kudos News for June 2013 全國初中演講及辯論比賽KUDOS勇奪三大獎 ; 政策辯論冠軍、全面卓越學校獎、辯論卓越學校獎 »

June:  A full year of work completed, leaving just one last task.  A trip out of state, to compete against 95 schools from 29 states and 3 countries; a challenge unlike any other; an epic battle from which only the strongest and most prepared can possibly hope to emerge victorious; an event called:

The 2013 NJFL National Tournament!

This year’s competition was held in Birmingham Alabama and was, without any exaggeration, the most difficult middle school tournament in history.  Large fields and brutal breaks meant a lot of very good entries would fail to advance.  In such a cutthroat environment, how would our Kudosians fare?

The team gathers in the lobby of the tournament on Saturday morning for one last photo shoot before a day of travel back to Los Angeles.

But let’s rewind.  Four days prior, our warriors packed their tubs and business formal clothes, and boarded a plane to Alabama.

The mood was high. We were all excited to put our training to the test. Yet an underlying seriousness of purpose lay just beneath the jovial banter.

Wheeler and Kirk just figure they’ll wait till the crowd clears at the baggage claim in Alabama. Strauss, Tyson, Victor, and Alex are less patient.

We checked into the hotel and, after a long day of travel, everyone was happy to enjoy a delicious meal.

A hearty dinner the night before battle ensures vigor in the morning.

Before we knew it, the day of reckoning had arrived.  The students had assembled and were ready to fill the vans and head to the site.

Adrenaline pumps before the first day of competition.

Until… Car Trouble!  One of the vans wouldn’t start!  Yes, many nerves were frayed Wednesday morning as the coaches scrambled to transport all the competitors in just one van.  Two trips were made and, in the end, everyone made it rounds on time.  Whew!

Justin, Angela, Caty, Mei, and Jack make adjustments between rounds.

But even as dedicated a group as this found some time for frivolity:

Not prepping… what’s this?  Middle-schoolers on their phones?  Shocking!

Spin your partner round and round.

Yes, apparently, Kelly and Jonathon found time to enter a square dancing contest while at the tournament.

Hold the phone everybody: breaking news on proposed peace talks with the Taliban!  How will this impact the negotiated peace alternative we’re presenting on neg?!

After two long days of furious competition, prelims and early breaks rounds were finished.

Friday brought final rounds and awards.

First up were OO finals.  Stanley Yu and Melinda Guo both made the cut to the top 6.

Stanley and his dad discuss Stanley’s final round performance with Wheeler.

Of course, there was still the Policy finals to come, featuring Jerry and Kirk.  Um…  Tragically, we actually don’t have any pictures from that round.  But that’s OK, because we have plenty of pictures of them at awards.

And speaking of awards, all the battles were fought, and the winners chosen, and it was time to gather in the theater.

A full house assembles to see…

…who will get these.

In policy debate, Joey and Natalie earned awards as quarterfinalists, pictured below.  Who knows how much further they could have gone, if poor bracket luck hadn’t reared its head.

In quarters, Joey and Natalie  ended up hitting Jerry and Kirk.  Teammates don’t debate against one another, so the higher seed – Jerry and Kirk – walked over the lower seed – Joey and Melinda.  It’s standard procedure, but a really tough way to get knocked out, as it doesn’t entail actually losing an outround.

Joey and Natalie are awarded for  their quarterfinals berth.

Also, Jerry and Kirk each won an award for finishing among the top ten speakers in policy.

Of course they had to come back to pick up those national champion trophies as well.

Congratulations, Kirk and Jerry, on your first place finish. You guys really deserved this.

All told, 18 different Kudos students earned a total of 25 awards (counting a team award, policy for example, as a single award).

Jenny: OO and Public Forum      Jack: Public Forum

Jax: Congress and Public Forum        Justin: Extemp and Public Forum

Victor Q: LD and Congress     Victor L: Public Forum

Audrey: Extemp                                          Caty: Public Forum

Angela: Extemp and Public Forum    N’Angela: Public Forum    Nora: Public Forum

Stanley: OO     Melinda: OO, HI, and Declamation     Alex: Congress and Public Forum

Thanks to all this student achievement, Wheeler got to get up on stage too, to receive two prestigious School of Excellence awards.

So anyhow, after everything was over, we had a last group pose with all the hardware:

Almost everyone is included in this picture.  Jax and Nora had already left.

Here is our complete results list:

School Awards:

Debate School of Excellence 2013 – Awarded to the top 6 of 93 schools in debate.

Overall School of Excellence 2013 – Awarded to the top 3 of 93 schools overall.

Individual/Team Awards:

Jerry Wang and Kirk Wu:  National Champions – Policy Debate

Kirk Wu:  Quarterfinalist – Extemp

Jerry Wang:  Quarterfinalist – OO

Stanley Yu:  4th Place – OO

Melinda Guo:  6th Place – OO

Melinda Guo:   Semifinalist – HI

Melinda Guo:   Semifinalist – Declamation

Jenny Li and Jack Li:  Double Octafinalist – Public Forum

Jenny Li:  Quarterfinalist – OO

Jax Rounds and Alex Zhao:  Quarterfinalist – Public Forum

Jax Rounds:  Finalist – Congress

Alex Zhao:  Finalist – Congress

Victor Qin:  Partial doubles (top 24) – LD

Victor Qin:  Finalist – Congress

Caty Szeto and Victor Luo:  Double Octas – Public Forum

Angela Chen and Justin Chuang:  Double Octas – Public Forum

Angela Chen:  Quarterfinalist – Extemp

Justin Chuang:  Semifinalist – Extemp

Joey Kiang and Natalie Wang:  Quarterfinalist – Policy

Joey Kiang: Quarterfinalist – Extemp

N’Angela Chen and Nora Sharp:  Octafinalist – Public Forum

Audrey Lam:  Quarterfinalist – Extemp


Mission accomplished, it was time to fly home:

Bye, Alabama. Thanks for the memories. See you in 4 years.

Posted by: kudos on Jul.03.2013 @ 4:19 pm
Filed under: Tournament Archive
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