2020 SCJFL 1st Quarter Speech Tournament

Kudos had a decent start to the 2020-21 competitive school year.

We sent students in impromptu speaking, and they walked away with a ton of experience that they will build upon as they move forward in this activity.

Everyone on the team is in their first year on the limited preparation competition squad, and they made solid progress as speakers.

Alen Zheng and Felix Yu both were in the top half of this event that had over 50 ENTRIES.

Impromptu was the largest event at this tournament, and was twice as large as the entry in this tournament last year.

Special shout outs to Amanda Lin for getting ranked in the top four in all three of her rounds.

Every student got a top four ranking in at least one of their rounds, and showed that they belonged at the competition. Nice job, Kudos!

Warm-up before the competition
Group Warm up

Alen Zheng (3)

Emily Yang




Posted by: kudos on Nov.03.2020 @ 9:37 am
Filed under: Tournament Archive