10-21-2022 – SCJFL 2022-23, 1st Speech tournament

10-21周五, 大家期待已久的演講比賽終於在Covid影響我們2年半以後, 回復到實體型態了!
這次主辦單位是由位於San Gabriel的Jefferson Middle School所舉辦, Kudos演講隊, 共有6位學生參加[即席演講]這個項目, 而整個比賽共有106位學生報名競賽
即席演講是所有演說項目中最難的, 因為事先不知道題目, 所以學生平日所閱讀與做research的量會比其他項目還要多!
當天下午每個參賽者與家長們都興致高昂的, 教練更是開心地帶領學生完成每一回合的比賽
教練Mrs. Kalmus說 : 學生們就是需要這樣與人群最直接的互動, 這樣更可以提升孩子們的社會感知能力與對環境的敏銳度, Covid後, 大家都被電腦螢幕綁架太久了, 該是出來透透氣並提振精神了!
一個晚上3回合下來, 到接近8點鐘, 宣布Betty Chen 進入到準決賽
Betty是從小學就開始在Kudos接受培訓的學生, 今年第一次進入中學比賽隊接受訓練
雖是隊上新生, 但Betty 憑著迅速的思路與清晰的口齒表達, 展現她的大將之風!
賽後, 大會成績揭曉, Betty獲得[即席演講] 第4名 !! 相當替她高興 ~

讓我們一起恭喜Betty與她的家長們 !!




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Posted by: kudos on Oct.25.2022 @ 2:38 pm
Filed under: Tournament Archive

2022 TOC National

What an exciting close to the 2021-2022 debate season with this year’s Middle School Tournament of Champions hosted by the University of Kentucky.

This tournament sees competition from across the United States and is one of the most competitive in the country at the Middle School level. Public Forum saw over 210 entries and Lincoln Douglas over 130. Everyone has worked so hard this year and we are proud of every single debater who competed. The break this year was incredibly competitive, requiring a minimum of 4 wins out of 6 rounds. Congratulations to the follow debaters for making it through that that break:

For Lincoln Douglas, Yanzi Feng and Sophia Ren both advanced through the first elimination round and made it to the double octofinals (Top 32). Out of the preliminary rounds, Sophia Ren received the 4th place speaker award out of 130. Congratulations!!

For Public Forum, Yuna Wu & Kaden Wong and Alana Liang & Abigail Wang made it through the break to the triple octofinals and placed in the Top 60. Well done! The team of Joyce Zhang & Claire Liu made it through the first break round to the double octofinals and placed in the top 32. Congratulations!

Amazing job to all debaters! This is an incredibly tough competition and every debater should be proud of all the work they have put in this year. Thank you to all parents for all your help and support! We hope everyone enjoys their summer break and we hope to see everyone again soon.

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Posted by: kudos on Jul.02.2022 @ 5:27 pm
Filed under: Tournament Archive

4/16/2022 SCJFL 4th quarter Debate tournament

Congratulations to our 2021-2022 tournament teams on a year well done!

The weekend of April 16th saw our students compete in their final online league tournament for the competitive year.
All debaters have battled difficult topics, strong opponents, and late nights of research throughout the year and every one should be proud of the efforts they put in.
Speech and Debate is an incredibly difficult and advanced activity to be involved in at a young age.
I encourage all debaters to continue on their personal speaking journey with the same strength and effort they put in this year.

We attended the 4th Quarter National Online Forensics League tournament that saw participation from high school, middle school, and elementary school divisions.
In Lincoln Douglas, Yanzi Feng broke to the final rounds and received a Silver Medal. Well done! For Public Forum, Celina Zhou received 1st place speaker award! Congratulations!
In Congress, Evelyn, Sanju, Tim, Serena, Anne and Larry made it to final and placed in Gold, Silver and Bronze respectively.

For placements, Jerry Zhang & Ethan Dong and Claire Liu & Joyce Zhang received Silver Medals.
Finally, Celina Zhou & Belle Huang and Yuna Wu & Claire Chen were awarded Gold Medals! Huge Congratulations!
All debaters tackled difficult and advanced topics, developing their skills as researchers and speakers. Everyone should feel proud of making it through all the tournaments this year.

Finally, Kudos would like to thank all the parents for your continued support of your children! They couldn’t do it without you. For all debaters going to TOC, continue to get rest and we will work hard over the coming weeks. To all debaters, have a great summer!

*Places for this tournament were measured in Silver/Gold medal, Gold indicated being in a top room/won finals, Silver indicating a break into the final round.*

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Posted by: kudos on Apr.26.2022 @ 9:40 am
Filed under: Tournament Archive

4/9/2022 SCJFL 4th Middle School Speech tournament

三校區: 天普,核桃,爾灣的學生們都摩拳擦掌準備了兩周, 比賽當日8點準時上線向教練報到

​經歷過3回合的出賽, 約於下午2點鐘公告進入到決賽名單:
由天普校區Claire Chen, 核桃校區Karina Yue, 爾灣校區Steven Wang​ 三位確認進入到決賽!

賽前三周前, 教練就讓學生不斷地練習, 並且在賽前一周還特別做了線上模擬, 9號週六的早上大家都著西裝筆挺的
整天下來學生們都經歷了難得的線上比賽經驗, 這也是許多學生第一次參加線上比賽, 因此大家都十分新奇興奮 !

最後讓我們恭喜 天普校區Claire Chen獲得即席演講第7名, 核桃校區Karina Yue新手組即席辯論第5名, 爾灣校區Steven Wang​新手組即席辯論第3名!
相當難得, 也讓我們非常期待開學後這3位同學進入到辯論隊後的發展, 請和我們一起拭目以待~





Posted by: kudos on Apr.13.2022 @ 11:10 am
Filed under: Tournament Archive

2/26/2022 SCJFL 3rd quarter Debate tournament

We want to start by sending a huge congratulation to each debater at this SCJFL tournament. They spoke on and debated about incredibly serious issues while history was unfolding in front of their eyes. Whether it was an analysis of NATO or considerations of the effects of conflicts on outer space, the Russian invasion of Ukraine played a role in these debates and I commend the students for being willing to adapt and learn on the fly as situations in the world developed.

Kudos represented final break rounds across both debate events at this tournament as well as taking home some 1st places!

For Lincoln Douglas: Pearl Hsieh, Yanzi Feng, and Sophia Ren advanced to the first set of break rounds with Yanzi and Sophia advancing into the set of final break rounds. Sophia claimed 7th overall with Yanzi taking 8th. Congratulations for advancing on such a competitive break for the tournament! To make it to the first set of break rounds, each debater required 3 wins out of 4 preliminary rounds. This LD entry list contained around ~60 students, so competition was tight. Very well done debaters.

For Public Forum, the team dove into the world of international military relations just as a major super power was taking action on the global stage. Through the evolving info, all debaters remained strong in their cases and focused on the big picture. For speaker awards Celina Zhou took 9th, Wesley Wang took 4th, and Claire Liu took 1st! Great job presenting not only strong cases, but also eloquent speeches. For placements, the teams of Doria Chen & Wesley Wang and Yuna Wu & Jerry Zhang advanced to the first set of break rounds with 3 wins. The teams of Claire Liu & Joyce Zhang and Harry Chen & Kaden Wong made it to the final set of break rounds! Harry and Kaden took 5th overall while Claire and Joyce claimed 1st place and were crowned Public Forum tournament champions! Huge congratulations to Claire and Joyce as well as all other debaters for their hard work and effort.

We are excited to start preparing for our end of the year tournaments and look forward to representing Kudos proudly.

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Posted by: kudos on Mar.04.2022 @ 2:27 pm
Filed under: Other,Tournament Archive

2/19~20/2022 Harvard Invitational Debate tournament report

This past weekend, the Public Forum team participated in their most competitive debate tournament of the year so far. The Harvard tournament hosts multiple skill and age levels and sees competition from around the country and world. Over 5,000 individual students entered into the competition across the numerous events, with over 280 entries in Middle School Public Forum alone! The number of entries made the break incredibly competitive, requiring 4 wins out of 5 preliminary rounds to secure a spot in the Triple Octofinal rounds (Top 64). The debate topic required students to dive into the world of NATO and analyze Turkey’s membership as either beneficial or harmful. Across two full days of competition and very early mornings, Claire Liu and Joyce Zhang went 4-1 in preliminary rounds and advanced to the Triple Octofinal! They went on to win that round and broke into the top 32! Huge congratulations to Claire and Joyce for representing Kudos at such a prestigious tournament. Our team’s cases were complex and well reasoned; their skill and intelligence is impressive.

On to the Congress results! Shoutouts to Katherine Duan and Michelle Zhang for being next out with Tim Cai placing just one rank behind Katherine. Those three as well as Evelyn Lam, Juliana Cui, Kelly Liu, Michelle Pan, Sanju Chanumalla, Linda Jiang, Anne Liu, and Serena Guo, for not getting a single nine throughout all of prelims. Specifically, Evelyn and Serena didn’t get a rank below 3rd in prelims, Juliana didn’t get a rank below 4th, plus Anne and Michelle P below 5th. Praise is deserved for Ethan Li, Apollo Lee, and Edwin Jiao for getting 3,2, and 1 top eight rank respectively at their first invitational tournament outside of SCJFL.

Anne, Serena, and Evelyn broke to elimination rounds for the second year in a row. They were joined by Michelle P, Juliana and Kelly. Despite each of them being the two seed coming out of their chamber, Serena and Evelyn had the 6th and 7th best cumes going into semis, with scores better than or equal to five of the #1 seeds. In the semifinal, Serena, Juliana and Michelle all continued their trend of not getting a single nine, with Evelyn just one rank off of doing the same. Serena, Juliana, Michelle and Anne advanced to the final round, with Michelle placing 1st after AGAIN getting all ranks 5th or better! Michelle did unfortunately pick up a six and two sevens in the final leading to her taking 5th overall. However, to get top seven from ALL 17 JUDGES over the course of the weekend is a mind boggling accomplishment. Anne and Juliana took 10th and 11th in the final respectively with Anne getting the 3 from the parliamentarian. Finally, Serena was the TOURNAMENT RUNNER UP at 2nd overall!

Furthermore, the tournament recognized Michelle P, Evelyn, Serena and Tim for winning a presiding officer election in prelims. Juliana joined Michelle and Julianna by winning their PO contest in semis and Michelle went for the hat trick as she also won the vote in finals.

Somehow we’re not done! Similar to the National Tournament, Harvard Congress has a Special Accolade that honors the student that displayed “the most leadership” in round by making motions, setting a docket and understanding parliamentary procedures. After calculating the votes submitted by the other students in their chamber, Evelyn, Michelle, Anne and Serena won their prelim leadership award. Michelle and Serena were joined by Julianna when all three of them won the leadership award in the semifinal, with Michelle winning the award in finals.

For the second year in a row, not a single program in the nation had more students in the final round than Kudos, but this year there were no ties as Kudos definitely had more finalists in middle school congress than any school nationwide. On top of that we had more Presiding Officers Winners and Leadership award winners than EVERY team that entered middle school congress as we took home eight in each category. With a whopping 233 team points Kudos was the TOP CONGRESS PROGRAM IN THE MS DIVISION NATION AT HARVARD!!!

With such high level competition I want to congratulate each student, break or no break. I consistently received feedback from teams and judges that our students as well as other middle schoolers were consistently having better cases and debates than the High Schoolers were. This is a huge accomplishment to be able to discuss such a complex geopolitical issue and to shine in the eyes of adults at such a young age. I look forward to our continued success in upcoming tournaments!

Here’s the results and pictures:

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Posted by: kudos on Feb.24.2022 @ 2:31 pm
Filed under: Courses,Tournament Archive

2/12-13/2022 – Stanford Tournament Report

We would like to start off with a huge congratulations to every participant at the Stanford-hosted Palm Classic International Speech and Debate Tournament.
Participants and judges hailed from around the country and world, representing 4 different time zones.
This was an incredibly competitive invitational and the students have been hard at work on their cases and individual speeches.
Another massive thank you to our judges, your efforts and commitment allowed us to compete in the first place.
Kudos was represented in break rounds by several speakers at this tournament, and I want to extend a specific congratulations to those students.

Let’s start with Congress. The Congress team competed in the Varsity division, which meant that the rounds contained students up to the 12th grade. Getting experience competing against high schoolers and succeeding is amazing. Huge congratulations to the entire congress team! With that being said, three students advanced into the semi and final rounds! Claire Wen made it into the semi finals! In the FINAL round of Varsity, Anne Liu placed 12th and Serena Guo placed 7th! Keep up the great work debaters!

Moving on to Lincoln Douglas. Kudos debater Sophia Ren made it all the way to the semi-final round of the Middle School Division. Out of 40 entries she broke into the top 8. On a 5-1 preliminary record, Sophia broke to quarterfinals then to semifinals, also securing 4th place overall speaker award! (This is a separate award based on speaker points not record).
W want to also extend a large thank you to Yanzi Feng, who had an impressive preliminary record of 4-2 and just barely missed the competitive break. Sh
e stayed to support and help prep Sophia for her break rounds, sharing cards and strategies she learned at the tournament. This is what being a team is all about.

I want to also congratulate the Public Forum team for running great arguments and powering through such a competitive tournament. Our after round discussions were incredibly productive and every one of our competitors is extremely bright. With our continued work, break rounds are just around the corner!

And finally, a big thank you to the parents. With your support throughout the year, bringing students to class, getting up early on the weekends to help get ready for tournaments, and helping them with research, all your work is appreciated.

This tournament is a long tradition in the competitive debate community and Kudos was proud to represent Southern California. We are looking forward to our upcoming tournaments at Harvard and SCJFL #3.

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Posted by: kudos on Feb.18.2022 @ 3:25 pm
Filed under: Other,Tournament Archive


La Reina Speech and Debate Tournament Online 2021

Kudos wrapped up the year of 2021 with some great results. We sent middle school and high school students to compete in both speech and debate events. All four of our students are worthy of praise not only for their results, but for giving up their time to prepare for this tournament during winter break!

Onto the results: Fiona Zhou won HS congress as a freshman, capping off an incredible first semester in ninth grade. She did this by getting a 1 and a 3 from her two judges in all three rounds throughout the tournament. Despite the mathematical improbability of the feat, she showed her consistency as a talented debater. Shoutouts to freshman Claire Wen for getting top half in her chamber and freshman Alen Zhang for taking top half of the tournament. Alen accomplished this by getting ranked top five by every judge that saw him throughout the tournament.

Additionally, 7th grader Claire Chen cleaned up in the middle school speech side of the tournament. Claire finaled in both middle school impromptu, as well as middle school original oratory. Claire took 5th in OO and earned 6th place out of the 12 students who advanced to the final round in impromptu. The impromptu final was particularly noteworthy because it was one the largest speech events at the tournament. This continues Claire’s streak of finaling every time she enters in Impromptu and or OO. Claire deserves special praise for being 1 spot away from picket fencing (where a student gets a 1st place rank from every judge) in prelims for OO.

Kudos students head to their well deserved winter break. The students will be right back to speaking and debating in 2022. KUDOS!

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Posted by: kudos on @ 3:23 pm
Filed under: Other,Tournament Archive

12/4/2021, SCJFL 2nd quarter of Debate tournament.

On 12/4, Kudos competed in the 2nd quarter of SCJFL Debate tournament.

Starting with congressional debate, a big congratulations to Larry Zhou as a preliminary round Presiding Officer and to Anne Liu as the final round Presiding Officer! For overall placements: Serena Guo placed 20th, Zoey Luc placed 17th, Andy Hou placed 14th, Edwin Jiao placed 9th, Ayden Fang placed 8th, Micah Yeung placed 7th, Michelle Zhang placed 6th, Linda Jiang placed 5th, Juliana Cui placed 4th, Evelyn Lam placed 3rd, and Anne Liu placed 1st! Congratulations to our congress team!

For Lincoln-Douglas debate, the students discussed the right to strike. Their efforts paid off as three students made it to the final set of break rounds! Yanzi Fang, Sophia Ren, and Pearl Hsieh all advanced to round 6 with Pearl placing 8th, Sophia placing 7th, and Yanzi placing 6th overall. In addition, Yanzi went undefeated in her preliminary rounds! Congratulations to the LD team!

And last, but certainly not least, our Public Forum team. This month they tackled the extremely complex world of cryptocurrency and federal regulations. Two teams advanced to the Semi-final round with one moving on into the final! In the top 10 team placements at the tournament, Harry Chen and Kaiden Wong placed 9th, Belle Huang and Celina Zhou (Semi-Finalists) placing 5th, and Claire Liu and Joyce Zhang (Finalists) placing 2nd! In addition, Claire Liu received 10th place overall speaker!
Huge congratulations to our semi-finalists and finalists as well as every PF debate team.

With two tournaments down and a semester over, these debaters are well on their way to becoming debate veterans! We encourage every debater to get in their rest over the course of this winter break. Great work at this tournament and have a Happy Holidays!

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Posted by: kudos on Dec.16.2021 @ 10:11 am
Filed under: Tournament Archive

10/23/2021 SCJFL Fall Semester 1st quarter Debate Tournament

What an exciting start of the competition year this has been. While this tournament had some tech and judging issues, our team powered through as best as we could. The tournament itself ran quite on time and we hope to see that in future tournaments as well.

We’ll start first with our biggest event for the tournament by far: Congress. Kudos secured 11 out of the 12 finalist spots in congress. Kudos also had the top 2 Presiding Officers in the prelims: Tim Cai and Larry Zhou. Larry Zhou moved on to be the finalist PO, great work! As for the congress debaters themselves: Micah Yeung placed 12th, Larry Zhou placed 11th, Ayden Fang placed 10th, Michelle Pan placed 9th, Michelle Zhang placed 8th, Linda Jiang placed 7th, Katherine Dian placed 6th, Julianna Cui placed 4th, Serena Guo placed 3rd, Evelyn Lam placed 2nd, and Anne Lou placed 1st! Fantastic work by the congress team!

For the other debate formats of the competition, Kudos students also found great success! 4 Kudos Public Forum teams advanced to the first out round with one team advancing into the final out round. Making the top 10 break was Kathleen Chen & Madeline Wong, Yuna Wu & Isabella Meng, and Belle Huang & Celina Zhou. Advancing further and taking 2nd place overall in Public Forum was Claire Liu & Joyce Zhang!
In addition to debating well, high performing speakers are awarded with individual speaking awards with Joyce Zhang getting 5th overall and Claire Liu getting 1st overall! Fantastic work!

Finally, LIncoln-Douglas student Yanzi Feng was able to advance to the final outround of the tournament, securing 6th place overall and 9th best overall speaker in Lincoln-Douglas! Great work!

Congratulations to everyone who competed in this tournament! Each and every member of the team contributes to our overall success. The first tournament of the year can always be tough but the students handled this tournament with grace and energy. These students put in the work on very complicated topics and regardless of tournament result, each student learned A LOT these past weeks. We cannot wait until our next tournaments!

Here are some tournament photos and results~

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Posted by: kudos on Oct.27.2021 @ 2:47 pm
Filed under: Tournament Archive
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